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2016-05-29 07:50 作者:汪德均  | 9条评论 相关文章 | 我要投稿






Tuesday 5 March( 文章阅读网:www.sanwen.net )

Well, we woke up this morning, hoping the cows would be gone but they were still there. They started mooing at sunrise. We weren’t happy!

At least Dad managed to get hold of Matt this afternoon and he came over and helped Dad chase them out, back over to his property. He said he found where they managed to get in and was going to mend that part of the fence.

I hope they don’t get in again. Our lawn is wrecked now! It was still soft from all the rain we’ve had lately and now there’s big potholes everywhere from their hooves. There’s huge cow paddies everywhere too. I hope Dad doesn’t expect me to clean all that up! I have enough horse manure to pick up as it is!


《小马俱乐部历险记》中英双语版17的评论 (共 9 条)

  • 雪灵
  • 心静如水
  • 潇湘妃子
  • 荷塘月色
  • 雨袂独舞
  • 春暖花开
  • 歪才(卢凤山)
  • 阿砚罗
    阿砚罗 审核通过并说 了不起!